

Analytics in AccurioPro Flux

AccurioPro Flux (from version 10.0) collects certain types of usage data which helps us to identify how the product is used and how we can further improve it.

This page explains which types of data is collected by the software, how it is used and how we protect the collected data.


What types of data are collected?

Software installation information

  • Information about the AccurioPro Flux version that is installed
  • AccurioPro Flux licensing information (excluding the product serial number)
  • Installed AccurioPro Flux add-ons

Device information

  • Information about the operating system, its version and edition
  • Processor type and RAM size

Configuration information

Transmitted data includes information about the software configuration.

This includes (among others) information about the configuration of the print products and related settings (paper formats, signatures, paper types, etc.), installed printers, preflight configuration, as well as statistics on the number of user accounts and groups.

No personally identifiable data or sensitive information such as names, (email) addresses, passwords, etc. are transmitted.

How is the collected data used?

We use the data for the following purposes:

  • Analyze typical software setups and use cases
  • Identify which features are used and how frequently
  • Identify potential stability and performance issues

How is the collected data protected?

All transmitted analytics data are safeguarded by state-of-the-art measures such as transport encryption, authentication and access control.

Our employees undergo mandatory annual training on handling sensitive data and signed a declaration of commitment to data protection guidelines.

Is the collected data shared with third parties?

All collected data is used internally by dots Gesellschaft für Softwareentwicklung mbH exclusively for product development purposes and is not shared with any third parties or other entities.

Does sending data affect the software performance?

The usage data is transferred once every 24 hours around midnight local time or when the server is started.

Only minimal resources are required and the transfer has no impact on the performance of AccurioPro Flux.

How can I prevent usage data from being shared?

You can stop sending usage data at any time.

To do so, deactivate the Analytics option in AccurioPro Flux under Configuration | Administration | General settings.


For any questions, please contact
