
On this page:

Current version: Version 10.0.2 (August 2024)

You will need a valid Software Maintenance Plan to install the update.

Key features

Imposition & editing
Imposition templates
Automatically layout optimization
Chapter creation
Support for slip sheets, tabs & cover pages
Adding objects: text fields, barcodes, numbering, images
Label imposition (Flux Label Impose option)
Scan & raster editing (Flux Raster Editor option)
Range programming
Automated range programming
Job submission
Hot folders
Ticketless virtual printers
Support of Office documents (Flux Document Converter option)
Receive native data streams
Receive jobs via HTTPS, API, XML or more
Receive jobs via the Flux Printer client
Receive jobs via a built-in online shop
Smart folders
Job tickets
Job tracking
Job status information for customers
Variable Data Printing
Text fields & barcodes with variable content
Extract variable data from CSV files
Support for numerous barcode types & validity check (Flux Barcode Pro option)
Register marks & barcodes on page signatures
Profile creation for the TU-510 inline trimming unit
Finishing layers export for offline finishing
Operator accounts
Rights management
Automated job assignment
Standard preflight check
Advanced preflight check & fixups (Flux Preflight Pro option)
PitStop Server integration (Flux PitStop Connector option)
Preflight checks on jobs submitted via the online shop
Printer support
Connect any PostScript device
Advanced support for Konica Minolta Production Printing and Label devices
Support for Konica Minolta Office devices
Support for Konica Minolta AccurioJet KM-1
Printer management
Printer setting presets
Cluster printing
Automated printing
System & integrations
Back-up of jobs and configuration
Support for 25 languages
Regional configuration presets
Integration of external applications with connectors, XML or API
Integration of existing Active Directories and OpenLDAP via LDAP
Open or closed online shop
Pricing & online payment
Print products, stock products & catalog items
Personalized form products
Approval workflow for orders
Multiple storefronts (Flux Multi Shop option)
Single sign-on

Option overview

Enhance your workflow with additional options. There are several options for each edition available.
Flux Label Impose
Flux Barcode Pro
Flux Raster Editor
Flux Multi Seat
Flux Preflight Pro
Flux Document Converter – Operator Option
Flux Document Converter – Customer Option
Flux PaperCut Connector
Flux SafeQ Connector
Flux PitStop Connector
Flux XML Connector
Flux Multi Shop

Supported barcodes in the Flux Barcode Pro option:

  • Linear barcodes: Code 39 Extended, Code 93 Extended, Codabar, ITF, MSI Plessey
  • Product barcodes: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN/JAN-8, EAN/JAN-13, ISBN 13
  • 2D Barcodes: Micro QR, DataMatrix, PDF417
  • GS1 barcodes: GS1 QR Code, GS1 DataMatrix, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Truncated, GS1 DataBar Expanded, GS1 DataBar Limited, ITF-14

For a full description of the options and their features, visit our Sales page.

Facts & figures

License model

Perpetual license purchase, including a one year Software Maintenance Plan.


  • Online help (Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish)
  • Installation guide (English, French, German, Japanese)
  • Product activation guide (English, German, Japanese)


  • User interface: Bulgarian, Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese
  • Installation assistant: Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), English, French, German, Japanese, Korean

Supported devices

AccurioPro Flux can print to any Postscript Level 2 or Postscript 3 device. That being said, we provide special support for the following devices from Konica Minolta:

Production printing devices (color)

AccurioPress C84hc/C74hcIC-609 (KM)
AccurioPress C7100/C7090IC-609 (KM)
IC-319M V 1.1, 1.1jp, 2.0, 2.0jp (EFI)
IC-318L V 1.1, 1.1jp, 2.0, 2.0jp (EFI)
IC-316 V 1.2 (Creo)
AccurioPress C4080/C4070IC-609 (KM)
IC-317 V 1.2, 1.2jp, 2.0, 2.0jp (EFI)
IC-419 V 1.2, 2.0 (EFI)
IC-316e V 1.2 (Creo)
AccurioPrint C4065IC-607 (KM)
IC-419 V 1.2,2.0 (EFI)
IC-316e V 1.2 (Creo)
AccurioPress C14000e/C14000/C12000e/C12000IC-610 (KM)
IC-318H V 1.2, 1.2jp, 2.0, 2.0jp (EFI)
IC-319H V 1.2, 1.2jp, 2.0, 2.0jp (EFI)
IC-316 V 1.2 (Creo)
AccurioPress C6100/C6085IC-604 (KM)
IC-313H V 1.2, 1.2jp, 2.2, 2.2jp (EFI)
IC-315H V 1.2, 2.2 (EFI)
IC-314 V 3.0 (Creo)
AccurioPress/AcccurioPrint C3080/C3080P/C3070/C3070P/C3070LIC-605 (KM)
IC-313M V 2.2, 2.2jp (EFI)
IC-417M V 2.1 (EFI)
IC-314 V 3.0 (Creo)
AccurioPress C83hc/C73hcIC-605 (KM)
IC-313M V 2.2, 2.2jp (EFI)
IC-417M V 2.1 (EFI)
IC-314 V 3.0 (Creo)
AccurioPress/AccurioPrint C2070/C2060/C2060LIC-603 (KM)
IC-313 V 1.2, 1.2jp, 2.2, 2.2jp (EFI)
IC-417 V 1.2, 2.1 (EFI)
IC-314 V 3.0 (Creo)
bizhub PRESS C1100/C1085IC-602 (KM)
IC-308H V 1.1, 2.2, 2.2jp (EFI)
IC-310H V 1.0, 2.2 (EFI)
bizhub PRESS/PRO C1070/C1060/C71hcIC-602 (KM)
IC-308 V 1.1, 2.2, 2.2jp (EFI)
IC-415 V 1.0, 2.1 (EFI)

Production printing devices (black & white)

AccurioPress 7136/7136P/7120Embedded (KM)
MIC-4170 V 2.0 (EFI)
AccurioPrint 850i/950iEmperon (KM)
AccurioPress 6272PEmbedded (KM)
AccurioPress 6136/6136P/6120Embedded (KM)
MIC-4160 V 1.1 (EFI)
AccurioPrint 2100Embedded (KM)
bizhub PRESS 2250PEmbedded (KM)
bizhub PRESS 1250/1052Embedded (KM)
MIC-4150 V 1.01 (EFI)
bizhub PRO 1100/1100eEmbedded (KM)
bizhub PRO 951Embedded (KM)

Label printing devices

AccurioLabel 400IC-611 (KM)
IC-320L (Creo)
AccurioLabel 230IC-605 (KM)
IC-316L V 1.0 (Creo)
AccurioLabel 190IC-602 (KM)
bizhub PRESS C71cfIC-602 (KM)

Office & light production devices (color)

bizhub/AccurioPrint C750i
bizhub C650i/C550i/C450i
bizhub C360i/C300i/C250i
bizhub C4050i/C3350i
bizhub C4001i/C3301i
bizhub C3320i
Emperon (KM)
IC-420 V 1.2, 2.0, 2.0jp (EFI)
bizhub/AccurioPrint C759
bizhub/AccurioPrint C751i
bizhub C659
bizhub C651i/C551i
bizhub C451i/C361i/C301i/C251i
bizhub C4051i/C3351i
bizhub C4000i/C3300i
bizhub C3321i
Emperon (KM)

Office & light production devices (black & white)

bizhub 751i/651i/551i
bizhub 451i/361i/301i
bizhub 4751i/4051i
bizhub 4701i
Emperon (KM)
bizhub 750i
bizhub 650i/550i/360i/300i
bizhub 306i/266i/246i/226i
bizhub 4750i/4050i
bizhub 4700i
Emperon (KM)
bizhub / bizhub PRO 958
bizhub 808/758
bizhub 658e
bizhub 558/558e/458/458e
bizhub 368/368e/308/308e
bizhub 367/287/227
Emperon (KM)

Inkjet devices

AccurioJet KM-1 / KM-1e / KM-1e HDInkJet Manager 3.6

System requirements

AccurioPro Flux Essential

AccurioPro Flux Essential with one operator (single seat)

Supported operating systems
  • Windows 11 Pro (64-bit)
  • Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
  • Intel i5 (4th+ generation) quad core CPU or equivalent
  • 16 GB RAM
  • Solid-state drive (SSD)
  • 250 GB free disk space*
  • Screen resolution of2560 x 1440 pixels

* The disk space requirements do not account for archived jobs. Depending on the number and type of jobs, more disk space may be required.

AccurioPro Flux Essential with multiple operators (multi seat)

When using AccurioPro Flux Essential with Flux Multi Seat, the respective system requirements for the Flux Server PC and the Client PC from AccurioPro Flux Premium apply.

AccurioPro Flux Premium

Flux Server PC

Supported operating systems
  • Windows Server 2022 Standard (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2019 Standard (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2016 Standard (64-bit)

OperatorsHardware specification
1-3 (default)Intel i5 (4th+ generation) quad core CPU or equivalent, 16 GB RAM, Solid-state drive (SSD), 250 GB free disk space*
4-7 (with Flux Multi Seat)Intel i7 (4th+ generation) quad core CPU with Hyper-Threading or equivalent, 32 GB RAM, Solid-state drive (SSD), 500 GB free disk space*
8-11 (with Flux Multi Seat)Intel i7 (8th+ generation) hexa/octa core CPU with Hyper-Threading or equivalent, 32 GB RAM, Solid-state drive (SSD), 750 GB free disk space*
12-15 (with Flux Multi Seat)Intel Xeon octa core CPU with Hyper-Threading or equivalent, 64 GB RAM, Solid-state drive (SSD), 1 TB free disk space*

* The disk space requirements do not account for archived jobs. Depending on the number and type of jobs, more disk space may be required.

These requirements assume that AccurioPro Flux is running on a dedicated server. Requirements of other applications running on the same system must be added.

Client PC

The following requirements apply to the PC running the Flux Workstation or from which AccurioPro Flux is accessed via browser.

Supported operating systems
  • Windows 11 Pro (64-bit)
  • Windows 10 Pro (64-bit)
  • Intel i5 (4th+ generation) quad core CPU or equivalent
  • 8 GB RAM*
  • 4 GB free disc space (for installation, plus sufficient space to hold temporary data)
  • Screen resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels

* The RAM requirements do not account for processing high-resolution images with the Flux Raster Editor. In this case, we recommend 16 GB of RAM.

Note: It is also possible to access AccurioPro Flux from a Mac using a browser. In this case, the Mac requires comparable equipment to the Client PC. Please note that the following functions and options are not available when accessing AccurioPro Flux via browser: Scan workflow, Opening jobs in external applications, Flux Raster Editor.

Flux Printer PC

Supported operating systems
  • Windows 11 Pro (64-bit)
  • Windows 10 Pro (32-/64-bit)

Mobile devices for job tracking

Supported operating systems
  • iOS 13.4 and higher with latest Safari browser
  • Android 11 with latest Chrome or Firefox browser

AccurioPro Flux Ultimate

AccurioPro Flux Ultimate consists of the following components: Flux Web Server, Flux Server, Client, Flux (Web) Printer. The system requirements for Flux Server and the Client PC are the same as for AccurioPro Flux Premium (see above). This section lists the requirements for the Flux Web Server PC and the Flux Web Printer.

Flux Web Server PC

Supported operating systems
  • Windows Server 2022 Standard (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2019 Standard (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2016 Standard (64-bit)

Nr. of concurrent usersRecommended hardware
Up to 50Intel i7 (8th+ generation) 8-core CPU with Hyper-Threading or equivalent, 16 GB RAM, Solid-state drive (SSD)*
50 to 100AMD Ryzen Threadripper with 16 cores or equivalent, 32 GB RAM, Solid-state drive (SSD)*
100 to 500AMD Ryzen Threadripper with 32 cores or equivalent, 32 GB RAM, Solid-state drive (SSD)*
500 or moreAMD Ryzen Threadripper with 96 cores or equivalent, 64 GB RAM, Solid-state drive (SSD)*

*Actual performance will vary depending on the number of concurrent active users as well as the type of PDF files used. Required hard disk space depends on number and size of print jobs.

These requirements assume that Flux Web is running on a dedicated server. Requirements of other applications running on the same system must be added.

Flux Web Printer PC

Supported operating systems
  • Windows 11 Pro (64-bit)
  • Windows 10 Pro (32-/64-bit)
Supported browsers
  • Firefox from version 121
  • Chrome from version 120
  • Microsoft Edge from version 120
  • Safari 17 for macOS (only for Flux Web)